
HOWTO: convert an ape to splitted flac files by cue sheet in ubuntu


convert ape to flac or mp3 according to cue sheet in ubuntu

install shntool, flac and wavpack

sudo aptitude install cuetools shntool
sudo aptitude install flac wavpack

splitting ape file into flac files

cuebreakpoints sample.cue | shnsplit -o flac sample.ape

splitting ape file into mp3 format

cuebreakpoints sample.cue | shnsplit -o 'cust ext=mp3 lame -b 320 -h --quiet - %f' sample.ape

Transferring tags

cuetag sample.cue split-track01.flac split-track02.flac split-track03.flac split-track04.flac

Other (better) way :
ref: http://www.soundunreason.com/InkWell/?p=1282

shnsplit -o flac -f a.cue -t “%n – %t” a.ape

cuetag a.cue *.flac


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