1. Copy malgun.ttf and malgunbd.ttf to dokuwiki/lib/plugins/dw2pdf/mpdf/ttfonts/
2. Ensure the dokuwiki/lib/plugins/dw2pdf/mpdf/config.php file contains :
$this->useAdobeCJK = false;
** If the value is true, it forces using AdobeCJK font even if a user modify the css file and config-fonts.php file.
3. Add the following lines to dokuwiki/lib/plugins/dw2pdf/conf/style.local.css file:
body {
font-family: malgun;
4. Open dokuwiki/lib/plugins/dw2pdf/mpdf/config-fonts.php, find "$this->fontdata = array(", and add the followings :
"malgun" => array(
'R' => "malgun.ttf",
'B' => "malgunbd.ttf",
'I' => "malgun.ttf",
'BI' => "malgunbd.ttf",