
HOWTO use korean in lyx (beamer class)

1. open /usr/share/lyx/languages and find line for korean, and modify as follows:
(This will add koreanUCS option for lyx language setting. utf8 encoding is needed for using korean.)

korean "" "Korean" false euc-kr ko ""
korean "" "Korean" false euc-kr ko ""
koreanUCS "" "KoreanUCS" false utf8 ko_KR.UTF8 ""
Then, reconfigure, restart lyx.
ref : http://ktug.kldp.net/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=12092&page=150

2. lyx menu > Tools > Preferences > Language Settings
In Language submenu, change "Default language" to "koreanUCS"
Make "Language package" and "Command start" option blank.
Uncheck the "Use babel" option.

3. Go to Document Settings > Language, and change Language to "KoreanUCS"

4. Document Settings > LaTeX Preamble, add the followings :
ref : http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/%C7%D1%B1%DB%B0%CB%BB%F6%B9%D7%C3%DF%C3%E2

5. For 한글(korean) bookmark, go to Document > Settings > Document Class >
add the following line in Class options > Custom
hyperref={unicode, pdftex}
ref : http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf -> page 60, '한글 책갈피'

The above ref recommended "\usepackage[unicode,(driver),...]{hyperref}"
where, (driver) is pdftex.

In lyx, however, adding above line into "LaTeX Preamble" makes an error.
The reason is like that : The hyperref package is automatically loaded by beamer.cls and certain options are setup. In order to pass additional options to hyperref or to override options, you can use the following class option:
\documentclass[hyperref=(list of options)]{beamer}
Causes the to be passed on to the hyperref package.
Example: \documentclass[hyperref={bookmarks=false}]{beamer}

ref : http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf -> page 15

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