
HOWTO: sync google cal and ipod cal

NuevaSync can sync automatically with google cal by using Microsoft ExchageServer.

In web browser
1. Create ID/Passwd in http://www.nuevasync.com
2. Login http://www.nuevasync.com
3. Enter change button by "calendar"
4. Select "google", Enter google ID and passwd

In ipod touch
1. setting >> mail,address,calendar>>add new account>>Microsoft ExchangeServer
2. Email : Google email
3. Username : nuevasync ID
4. Password : nuevasync PW
5. Click "save", then server request message will popup
6. Enter server : www.nuevasync.com
6. Activate "Calendar"

That's all.



HOWTO: connect to IPTIME router's VPN in ubuntu

1. using network-manager

install network-manager-pptp, pptp-linux

Click Network-manager icon on gnome panel.

Add new VPN connection.

-- VPN setting --
  • gateway : IP address of IPTIME router
  • username : [username - it should be same with the IPTIME setting]
  • password : [password - " ]

-- advanced setting -- (click advanced button)
  • uncheck all "Security and Compression" options
  • uncheck Echo option

The saved options are shown in

gconf-editor > /system/networking/connections/[number]/vpn
  • gateway : [IP address]
  • no-vj-comp : yes
  • nobsdcomp : yes
  • nodeflate : yes
  • service-type : org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp
  • user : [username]
** If connection are failed, try rebooting the PC and IPTIME both.

2. using kvpnc

We need two packages: pptp-linux and kvpnc

install pptp-linux and kvpnc
sudo apt-get install pptp-linux kvpnc

Run kvpnc

(modify the menu item : from "su-to-root -X -c /usr/bin/kvpnc" to "sudo /usr/bin/kvpnc" )

1. add new profile (wizard)

2. welcome message --> click next

3. select the type of your VPN --> select "Microsoft PPTP"
(Because IPTIME uses MS PPTP)

4. PPTP specific settings --> uncheck "Require MPPE" option.
(MPPE is a kind of encryption. When I checked it, IPTIME didn't response to my connect request)

5. User setting --> enter username and password. These have to match with that of IPTIME setting. Leave "NT domain name for authentication" blank.

6. Network setting --> nothing to do, click next

7. Virtual IP address options --> nothing to do, click next

8. Connection status check --> nothing to do, click next

9. Connect options --> nothing to do, click next

10. General settings
Enter profile name as you want. e.g. "my office VPN"
Description is not important.
VPN gateway must be correct. It is the IP address of the IPTIME.



HOWTO: edit mime types and its icons

First, install "file types editor" from ubuntu repository.

Run "file types editor" and press "new"

In general tab, select proper category, then enter name (e.g. text/x-mytype)

Select default icon. (e.g. ~/.icons/(theme)/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-mytype.png)

Go to filenames tab, and press add button.

enter "*.aaa", where aaa is file extension.



ipod touch 2G + ubuntu jaunty



