Edit wikiconfig.py as follows
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-where, "LoginUser" is an ID.
"MoinMoin - Configuration"
from MoinMoin.multiconfig import DefaultConfig
class Config(DefaultConfig):
sitename = "Jun-Seok Choi local notebook"
acl_rights_before = u"LoginUser:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:"
acl_rights_after = acl_rights_default = u"LoginUser:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:"
port = 8080
Note that admin must create LoginUser ID and password before edit wikiconfig.py file as above.
How to make desktop edition runs as server
make wikiserverconfig.py file as follows
from __main__ import DefaultConfig
class Config(DefaultConfig):
port = 8080
interface = ""
# changes the interface where the webserver is bound.
#use "" for every interface
How to start webbrowser automatically when start moin.py
edit moin.py
import webbrowser
and add these before run(Config) in moin.py last line.
# Run browser
iface = 'localhost'
url = "http://" + iface + ":" + str(Config.port)
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